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CoLab Research Platform

Research Platform

The Research Platform is a subscriber-based platform that provides provide organizations with custom-built data collection tools and real-time reporting and analysis. 

Benefits include: easy access, real-time data, reduction of time consuming manual tasks and increases timely and accurate analysis.

Data collection tools uses include: reporting on budgets, critical incidents, client intake, referral tracking, surveys and outcomes.

Design includes: advanced questionnaires, database links, email alerts, offline interviewing and optimized for any device.


Overview Video

Watch the video (9:11min) for an overview to learn the basics about data, reports and navigation features.

Select from below or the right menu to learn more about each feature.

My Account



Information for login.    



Update your password at anytime.


Personal Information

Update your contact information including email.


Roles & Permissions

Each organization decides upon account use and permissions.


User Agreement

Prior to accessing data in the Research Platform, organizations identify a primary contact who will receive an email with a Terms of Use Agreement.  Once reviewed and submitted, user accounts and passwords grant access to reported information.  


Data and Reports


Data, captured by an online tool, gathers qualitative and/or quantitative data in real time. Data may be accessed by downloading the CSV and/or designed reports. Zeros, dashes, a N/A or other message indicates that there is no data entered for this particular report or filter chosen. Re-adjust your filters and update report.


Digging into the Data/Evaluation

Reflection, analysis and evaluation are key to using data in a meaningful way to support organizational health and strategic planning.  ‘Dig into the data’ to review, reflect and respond.



Reports are custom designed and align with the collection tool.


*Tools and reports are customized for each organization*

Platform Features & Navigation Tips


Data may  be further analysed using the analysis and/or custom analysis features.



Reports are downloadable. CSV raw data is on permission basis.



All reports open with the data collected from the start date of the tool to ‘all respondents’.  Apply filter(s) such as date, location, and service. Remove or clear filter(s) and ‘update report’ between filter use. Filter descriptions are unique and based on the tool. 



The ‘Home’ tab takes you back to the list of Surveys or Data Collection Tools.



Printing is based on you and your browser print function. 



As with any large data base, please be patient as it ‘thinks’.


Surveys or ‘Tools’

Each project has unique survey or data collection tools to gather qualitative and/or quantitative data in real time. Reports are designed to support analysis.



The Summary, Reports, and Filters tabs navigate the basics.  Variables, Analysis and Context are available to support custom analysis.


Tech & Refresh

Tech challenges are a reality in today's world. Learn more about refreshing your computer.


Update New Responses

Update new responses for real-time data.



Variables are unique to each tool.


Web Browsers

Tech challenges pop up from function to browsers.


Zoom %

Zoom +/- the view finder screen.




Data collection tool uses include: 
- Budget reporting
- Critical incident reporting
- Client intake and discharge
- Referral tracking
- Stakeholder surveys
- Outcomes